Jumat, 16 Februari 2018

Banjar Masehi versus Banjar Hijriah

  1. Kerajaan Banjar - hanitami - Blogspot

    25 Feb 2015 ... Dalam makalah ini akan dibahas kerajaan yang bercorak Islam di Kalimantan, yakni Kerajaan Banjar. B. Rumusan Masalah. 1. Bagaimana asal-usul berdirinya Kerajaan Banjar di Kalimantan? 2. Siapa sajakah sultan-sultan yang pernah memimpin Kerajaan Banjar? 3. Bagaimana sistem politik, ekonomi, ...
  2. Kerajaan Banjar - Viandra Blog

    23 Des 2011 ... Kerajaan ini berdiri pada september 1526 dengan Sultan Suriansyah (Raden Samudera) sebagai Sultan pertama Kerajaan Banjar. Kerajaan Banjar runtuh pada saat berakhirnya Perang Banjar pada tahun 1905. Perang Banjar merupakan peperangan yang diadakan kerajaan Banjar untuk melawan ...

  3. kesultaan Banjar - Sejarah Nasional Indonesia - Blogspot

    2 Nov 2013 ... Sultan Suriansyah merupakan raja pertama dari Kerajaan Banjar dan raja pertama yang memeluk agama Islam. Agama Islam merupakan agama Negara dan menempatkan kedudukan para ulama pada tempat yang terhormat dalam Negara. Kedudukan agama Islam sebagai agama Negara terlihat ...
  4. Sejarah Kerajaan Banjar - Tahta Banjar - Blogspot

    16 Okt 2012 ... Kerajaaan Banjar di Kabupaten Banjar di mulai pada tahun 1612, dimasa pemerintahan Sultan Musta'in Billah yang dikenal dengan Pangeran Kecil memindahkan Keraton dari Banjarmasin ke Kayu Tangi atau Telok Selong Martapura, karena keraton di Kuwin dihancurkan Belanda. Daerah pusat ...
  5. Kasultanan Banjar: Silsilah Sultan Hidayatullah Al-Watsiqubillah

    23 Sep 2012 ... Silsilah Sultan Hidayatullah Al-Watsiqubillah. Pangeran Hidayatulah , Kerajaan Banjar , Kesultanan Banjar. Keterangan Foto ; foto merupakan peninggalan asli yang masih terjaga. Pangeran Suryawinata beristrikan Puteri Junjung Buih; Pangeran Arya Diwangsa; Raden Sukar Sungsang; Raden Mentri ...
  6. Makalah Perang Banjar | My Blog :) - Blogspot

    7 Des 2014 ... Akhirnya Sultan Adam menunjuk cucunya yang bernama Pangeran Hidayatullah , tetapi Belanda mencalonkan cucunya yang lain yang bernama Pangeran Tamjidillah. Setelah Sultan Adam wafat (tahun 1857), Belanda memaksakan Pangeran Tamjidillah untuk menjadi sultan Banjar yang ke-21, dan ...

    Dalam Hikayat Banjar disebutkan, Raden Samudra mengirim duta ke Demak untuk mengadakan hubungan kerja sama militer. Utusan tersebut adalah Patih Balit, seorang pembesar Kerajaan Banjar. Utusan menghadap Sultan Demak dengan seperangkat hadiah sebagai tanda persahabatan berupa sepikul rotan, seribu ...
  8. Logo Kabupaten Banjar - Ardi La Madi's Blog

    Dari beberapa sumber disebutkan ada beberapa tempat yang menjadi kedudukan raja (istana pribadi Sultan) setelah pindah ke Martapura, seperti Kayu Tangi, Karang Intan dan Sungai Mesa. Tetapi dalam beberapa perjanjian antara Sultan Banjar dan Belanda, penanda tanganan di Bumi Kencana. Begitu juga dalam ...
  9. 21 Mei 2014 ... Gunung Pamaton disebut sebagai tanda batas wilayah Kesultanan Banjar dan wilayah kekuasaan Belanda, dalam kontrak perjanjian Kesultanan Banjar dengan Belanda tanggal 04 Mei 1826 (26 Ramadhan 1241). Gunung Pamaton juga disebut dalam surat wasiat Sultan Adam Al Wasik Billah yang ...

    20 Jun 2012 ... Sejarah terjadinya perang banjar dalam artikel ini mencoba mendeskripsikan sejarah terjadinya perang banjar. Perang Banjar terjadi di Kalimantan Selatan dan terjadi beberapa tahun kemudian setelah Sultan Adam wafat. Adapun sebab -sebab terjadinya Perang Banjar dapat diterangkan sebagai berikut

Hidayatullah II of Banjar

Hidayatullah II of Banjar

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sultan Hidayatullah II of Banjar, known also as Pangeran Hidayatullah (born in Martapura, South Kalimantan, 1822, died in Cianjur, Jawa Barat, 24 November 1904), was a sultan of the Sultanate of Banjar and a leader of the Banjarese people in the Banjarmasin War.

Personal life

Pangeran Hidayatullah was born in 1822 in Martaputra. His father was Sultan Muda Abdurrahman son of Sultan Adam Al-Watsiq Billah, and his mother was Ratu Siti binti Pangeran Mangku Bumi Nata bin Sultan Sulaiman.
In 1852 the Sultan's heir-apparent died, and the Dutch replaced him by the illegitimate grandson Tamjied Illah. In vain, Sultan Adam and many nobles in 1853 sent an embassy to Batavia, pointing out iniquities perpetrated by the Dutch-designated heir and appealing for the Dutch to recognise instead Hidayatullah - a younger but legitimate son. Sultan Adam died in 1857 and was succeeded by the illegitimate Tamjied Illah. There ensued a struggle for power between Tamjied Illah and Hidayatullah, which divided the population, much of which stood behind Hidayatullah and highly resented the Dutch sponsoring of Tamjied Illah.
He died in Cianjur, Jawa Barat, 24 November 1904.


  1. Putri Bintang (daughter of Ratu Mas Bandara)
  2. Putri Bulan (daughter of Siti Aer Mas)
  3. Ratu Kusuma Indra (son of Siti Aer Mas)
  4. Pangeran Abdul Rahman (son of Ratu Mas Ratna Kediri)
  5. Ratu Saleha (daughter of Nyai Rahamah)
  6. Gusti Sari Banun (daughter of Nyai Rahamah)
  7. Pangeran Sasra Kasuma (son of Nyai Noerain)
  8. Gusti Muhammad Saleh (son of Nyai Arpiah)
  9. Pangeran Amarullah (son of Nyai Etjech , Cianjur)
  10. Pangeran Alibasah (son of Nyai Etjech, Cianjur)


  • 1936. Dr. J. Eisenberger. Kroniek der Zuider -en Oosterafdeling van Borneo. Liem Hwat Sing, Bandjermasin.
  • 1892. Egbert Broer Kielstra. De ondergang van het Bandjermasinse Rijk. Overdruk uit de Indische Gids, jaargang 1891. E.J. Brill. Leiden.
  • 1859. Wolter Robert van Hoëvell. De expeditie tegen Boni en de ramoen van Bandjermasin. Tijdschrift voor Nederlands Indie. 21 ste jaargang
  • 1886. H.G.J.L. Meyners Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van het Bandjermasinsche Rijk. 1863-1866. E.J. Brill. Leiden
  • 1865. Willem Adriaan van Rees. De Bandjermasinse Krijg. 1859-1863. Twee delen. D.A. Thieme. Arnhem.
  • 1867. W.A. van Rees. De Bandjermasinsche Krijg van 1859-1863 nader toegelicht. D.A. Thieme. Arnhem.
  • 1897. J.P. Schoemaker. Verhalen uit de grote en kleine oorlog in Nederlands Indië. W.P. van Stockum & Zoon. Den Haag.
  • 1865. Van Rees WA. De Bandjarmasinsche Krijg van 1859-1863, Arnhem: Thieme.
  • 1989. Pangeran Shuria Rum. Riwayat Perjuangan Pangeran Hidayatullah. Martapura.

Sultanate of Banjar

Sultanate of Banjar

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sultanate of Banjar
Kesultanan Banjar

Location of the capital of Banjar Sultanate
Capital Banjarmasin, Pemakuan, Tambangan, Martapura, Kayu Tangi
Languages Banjar [1]
Religion Sunni Islam
Government Sultanate
 •  1526–1550 Sultan Suriansyah
 •  1862–1905 Sultan Muhammad Seman
 •  Established 1526
 •  Disestablished 1860
Preceded by Succeeded by
Negara Daha
Dutch East Indies
Today part of  Indonesia
Sultanate of Banjar or Sultanate of Banjarmasin (Banjar: Kasultanan Banjar) was a sultanate located in what is today the South Kalimantan Province of Indonesia. For most of its history, its capital was at Banjarmasin.



The founder of the sultanate, Raden Samudra, was of royal lineage of the Kingdom of Negara Daha. He escaped from the Kingdom of Daha to the Barito River area, because his safety was in danger, and established a new kingdom at Banjarmasin. With help from Mangkubumi Aria Taranggana, Raden Samudra converted to Islam on 24 September 1526, changing his name to Sultan Suriansyah. Banjar at first paid tribute to the Sultanate of Demak. That state met its demise in the mid-16th century, however, and Banjar was not required to send tribute to new power in Java, the Sultanate of Pajang.
Banjar rose in the first decades of the 17th century as a producer and trader of pepper. Soon, virtually all of the southwest, southeast, and eastern areas of Kalimantan island were paying tribute to the sultanate. Sultan Agung of Mataram (1613-1646), who ruled north Java coastal ports such as Jepara, Gresik, Tuban, Madura and Surabaya, planned to colonise the Banjar-dominated areas of Kalimantan in 1622, but the plan was cancelled due to inadequate resources.

In the 18th century Prince Tamjidullah I successfully transferred power to his dynasty and set Prince Nata Dilaga as its first Sultan with Panembahan Kaharudin Khalilullah. Nata Dilaga became the first king of the dynasty as Tamjidullah I in 1772, on the day of his accession calling himself Susuhunan Nata Alam.
The son of Sultan Muhammad Aliuddin Aminullah named Prince Amir, a grandson of Sultan Hamidullah, fled to the Pasir, and requested the help of his uncle Arung Tarawe (and Ratu Dewi). Amir then returned and attacked the Sultanate of Banjar with a large force of Bugis people in 1757, and tried to retake the throne of Susuhunan Nata Alam. Fearing the loss of his throne and the fall of the kingdom to the Bugis, Susuhunan Nata Alam requested the assistance of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), who dispatched a force under Captain Hoffman. The combined force defeated the Bugis, sending Amir to flee back to Pasir. After a long time, he tried to meet with Barito Banjar nobles, who disliked the VOC. Following this, Amir was arrested and exiled to Sri Lanka in 1787, and Banjar became a Dutch protectorate.
The Dutch increased their presence in the 19th century, taking territory from the sultanate and interfering in the appointment of its rulers. Resistance led to the Banjarmasin War (1859–1863) and the abolition of the sultanate in 1860. Afterwards, the area was governed by regents in Martapura (Pangeran Jaya Pemenang) and in Amuntai (Raden Adipati Danu Raja). The regency was finally abolished in 1884. The last claimant to the throne died in 1905.

List of Sultans of Banjar

  1. 1520-1546 Sultan Suriansyah
  2. 1546-1570 Sultan Rahmatullah bin Sultan Suriansyah
  3. 1570-1595 Sultan Sultan Hidayatullah I bin Rahmatullah
  4. 1595-1638 Sultan Sultan Mustain Billah bin Sultan Hidayatullah I
  5. 1642-1647 Sultan Inayatullah bin Mustainbillah
  6. 1647-1660 Sultan Saidullah bin Sultan Inayatullah
  7. 1660-1663 Sultan Ri'ayatullah/Tahalidullah? bin Sultan Mustainbillah
  8. 1663-1679 Sultan Amrullah Bagus Kasuma bin Sultan Saidullah
  9. 1663-1679 Sultan Agung/Pangeran Suryanata II bin Sultan Inayatullah
  10. 1679-1700 Sultan Amrullah Bagus Kasuma bin Sultan Saidullah
  11. 1700-1717 Sultan Tahmidullah I/Sultan Surya Alam bin Sultan Tahlilullah/Sultan Amrullah
  12. 1717-1730 Panembahan Kasuma Dilaga bin Sultan Amrullah
  13. 1730-1734 Sultan Hamidullah/Sultan Ilhamidullah/Sultan Kuning bin Sultan Tahmidullah I
  14. 1734-1759 Sultan Tamjidullah I bin Sultan Tahlilullah
  15. 1759-1761 Sultan Muhammadillah/Muhammad Aliuddin Aminullah bin Sultan Il-Hamidullah/Sultan Kuning
  16. 1761-1801 Sultan Tahmidullah II/Sultan Nata bin Sultan Tamjidullah I
  17. 1801-1825 Sultan Sulaiman al-Mutamidullah/Sultan Sulaiman Saidullah II bin Tahmidullah II
  18. 1825-1857 Sultan Adam Al-Watsiq Billah bin Sultan Sulaiman al-Mutamidullah
  19. 1857-1859 Sultan Tamjidullah II al-Watsiqu Billah bin Pangeran Ratu Sultan Muda Abdur Rahman bin Sultan Adam
  20. 1859-1862 Sultan Hidayatullah Khalilullah bin Pangeran Ratu Sultan Muda Abdur Rahman bin Sultan Adam
  21. 1862 Pangeran Antasari bin Pangeran Mashud bin Sultan Amir bin Sultan Muhammad Aliuddin Aminullah
  22. 1862-1905 Sultan Muhammad Seman bin Pangeran Antasari Panembahan Amiruddin Khalifatul Mukminin

See also


Sultan Banjar

  • to Sultan Suriansyah. Banjar at first paid tribute to the Sultanate of Demak. That state met its demise in the mid-16th century, however, and Banjar was
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  • The Banjar or Banjarese (Urang Banjar in Banjarese language; اورڠ بنجر in Jawi script) are a native ethnic group in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Several
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  • Sultan (/ˈsʌltən/; Arabic: سلطان‎ sulṭān, pronounced [sʊlˈtˤɑːn, solˈtˤɑːn]) is a position with several historical meanings. Originally, it was an Arabic
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  • Hikayat Banjar, the Sultan of Makassar never borrowed land for trade covers an area east and southeast of Borneo to the Sultan Mustain Billah of Banjar when
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  • Sultan Hidayatullah II of Banjar, known also as Pangeran Hidayatullah (born in Martapura, South Kalimantan, 1822, died in Cianjur, Jawa Barat, 24 November
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  • Fish Pond Cahaya Bumi Selamat Park Lok Baintan Floating Market Sultan Adam Cemetery Banjar people Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 2011. Biro Pusat Statistik
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  • colonial Dutch. The roof is layered, showing Banjar’s pre-Islamic architectur. Unique to old mosques of Banjar, the mihrab has its own roof, separated from
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  • 1862), also known by his Indonesian name Pangeran Antasari, was a sultan of Banjar and is a National Hero of Indonesia. Antasari was born in 1797. He
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  • descendant of Sultan Banjar. On the orders of the Netherlands, Prince Hamid Sharif is what caught Demat Lehman , one of the leaders-Barito Banjar War. Batoe
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  • of the Sultan of Banjar. After the explorers arrived in Pontianak, they established the Kadariah Palace and received endorsement as the Sultan of Pontianak
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  • the Sultanate of Banten, Indonesia Sultan Hidayatullah II of Banjar 1822-1904, a sultan of the Sultanate of Banjar, Indonesia Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah
    992 bytes (109 words) - 13:35, 10 November 2016
  • Hikayat Banjar is the chronicle of Banjarmasin. This text, also called the History of Lambung Mangkurat, contains the history of the kings of Banjar and of
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  • in South Kalimantan are ethnic Banjar which consists of three groups, namely Banjar Kuala, Banjar Pahuluan and Banjar Batang Banyu. There are also ethnic
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  • Sultan Alam Shah Museum (Malay: Muzium Sultan Alam Shah) is a museum in Shah Alam, Petaling, Selangor, Malaysia. It is the state museum of Selangor. This
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  • Regents of Banjar Sultan H. Khairul Saleh. The stadium is owned by the Government of Banjar Regency and the stadium was built in preparation for Banjar District
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  • Structures: Candi Laras Candi Agung Masjid Sultan Suriansyah Rumah Bubungan Tinggi or Rumah Banjar or Rumah Ba-anjung is the most iconic type
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  • late Grand Scholars, Sheikh Muhammad al-Banjary Arsyad (1710 – 1812 AD), who had developed Islam in the kingdom of Banjar or South Kalimantan region now.
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  • Martapura district, Martapura. The mosque was built by the king of Banjar, Sultan Tahmidullah II who ruled the area during 1761 to 1801, as a form of
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  • conflict with the Sultan of Demak. He reached the Sultanate of Banjar in the southern part of Kalimantan where he was told by the ruling Sultan, Mustain Billah
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  • people Rambang people Sambas people Senganan people Kedayan people Banjar people Meratus Dayak Kutai people Tonyoy-Benuaq people Berau Malays Sangau
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